Obtain logs of room.
2.Request method
3.Parameter Description
Attribute Type Constraint Explanation
accountSid String Required Account ID.(The accountSid and authToken are assigned by QR Master admin when applying for a developer account)
timestamp String Required Request timestamp
rand String Optional The random number
communityNo String Required Community No.
buildNo String Required Building No.
floorNo String Required Floor No.
roomNo String Required Room No.
startDate String Required The start date for filter log, format: 2020-01-01, time span not exceeding 31 days
endDate String Required The end date for filter log, format: 2020-01-01, time span not exceeding 31 days
recordType String Optional Record type, 0=all, 1=real-time, 2=collect, default 0
holderFrom String Optional Log source, 0=all, 1=others, 2=QR Master, 3=QR Key, 4=QR INN Manager, 5=QR INN Guest, 6=Micro community, default 0
4.Request address
5.Generate signature for parameter
Ⅰ.Add the authToken parameter to the POST key-value pair to get the original signature data. (The accountSid and authToken are assigned by QR Master admin when applying for a developer account)
Ⅱ.Sort the original signature data in lexicographical order of parameter names.
Ⅲ.Joining together into a string like "key1=value1&key2=value2...". The key/value shall be encoded in x-www-form-urlencode.
Ⅳ.Calculate the sha1 value of the string to get the sig.
Note: this authToken should not be submitted to the network with the POST parameter.
6.Request samples(Raw)
POST http://api.uclbrt.com/Home/Records/queryByRoom?sig=d56ade1486d925717dc946181f6147c815494f21 HTTP/1.1
Host: api.uclbrt.com
Connection: Keep-Alive
Accept: application/json
Content-Length: 205
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Parameter Description
Attribute Explanation
id Record ID
cardtype Card type: 0-Authorization Card;1-otgRecord-collected Card;3-Clock Card;6-Guest Card;7-Checkout Card;10-Emergency card;11-Admin Card;12-Building Card;13-Floor Card;31-RF Record Card;32-Clearing Card;33-Engineering Card;34-Staff Card;35-Cards Setup
cardTypeText Card type text description
recordtype Record type: 0-unknown; 10-Bluetooth real-time, 11-WIFI access real-time; 12-QRN real-time; 13-QRA-wired network Realtime;14-QR-BOX Realtime; 20-RF acquisition; 21-Bluetooth acquisition; 22-OTG acquisition
recordTypeText Transcript for Record Type
opentime Unlock time
openWayText Open Way
chargeText Electricity,Percentage form
issuerfrom Issuer’ Source: 0-Unknown; 1-Other; 2-QR Master; 3-QR Key; 4-QR Inn; 5-QR Inn Client; 6-MicroCommunity
issuerareacode Issuer’ Mobile phone area code
issuermobile Issuer’ Mobile
issueremail Issuer’ EmailAddress
issuername Issuer’ Name
issuerheader Issuer’ Address
holderfrom Cardholder Source: 0-Unknown; 1-Other; 2-QR Master; 3-QR Key; 4-QR Inn; 5-QR Inn Client; 6-MicroCommunity
holderareacode OwnerMobile phone area code
holdermobile OwnerMobile
holderemail OwnerEmailAddress
holdername Cardholder'name
holderheader OwnerAvatarAddress
{"status":200,"info":"success","data":[{"id":"162422","cardtype":"6","cardTypeText":"GUEST","recordtype":"10","recordTypeText":"RT-BLE","opentime":"2020-05-22 10:23:48","openWayText":"BLE","chargeText":"100%","issuerfrom":"2","issuerareacode":"86","issuermobile":"10000000000","issueremail":"","issuername":"QR MasterQR Master","issuerheader":"http://api.uclbrt.com/Public/uclbrt/image/qcloud.png","holderfrom":"2","holderareacode":"86","holdermobile":"10000000000","holderemail":"","holdername":"QR MasterQR Master","holderheader":"http://api.uclbrt.com/Public/uclbrt/image/qcloud.png"},...]}
{"status":4007,"info":"application is not certified"}
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